Thursday, January 7, 2016

Windows 10 Wi-Fi get disconnected intermittently

Having witnessed the rollout of Windows version 3 yet I'm not a big fan. Now it turns out to be version 10. For some reasons I need to start digging into Google searches to find something useful. The fact is that my friend's parent get into the trouble of using Windows laptop at home and they are not tech savvy enough to adapt to the new order set by Microsoft in the new year. After an upgrade to Windows 10, wah la! Everything is not working! That's what you might expect. Well, fixing the problem would be easier than teaching them Linux or OS X from the ground up.

Having updated the Wi-Fi adaptor driver provided by the manufacturer, the wireless connection seems to work for a while. And then thing's happening... Internet Explorer becomes unresponsive and shows up an error regarding network connection. Same thing happens on Microsoft Edge. It ends up the wireless connection being broken and not recovering on time. It actually remains broken until you do something. Most of the time, Wi-Fi hotspot needs to be manually connected again whereas it's a little bit beyond what the elderly would understand. They might just blame someone for not setting things up right.

To stay away from the trouble, we need to come up with a all-year-round solution which automatically cure this bad symptom.

An active recovery process sounds good in this case. By setting up a event scheduler, it is possible to monitor the disconnection and then launch a series of commands to recover network connection behind the scene. Actually, Grannies don't even want to see something is fixing up their trouble.

To create an event that’s triggered when the network is disconnected, create an event schedule with using 10001 for the Event ID.

Launch Windows Task Scheduler from All Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools.

Click Action –> Create Task…
Give your task a name in the General tab, and then click Triggers and then click New.

Log: Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational
Source: NetworkProfile
Event ID: 10001

You’ll also want to make sure that there aren’t any network connection conditions (since you won’t be connected to the Internet when this happens).

Add some actions in the Actions tab and then click OK to finish making your task. Of course, it's not like that it popup a message and says "It worked!" and then thing's resolved. We need to do some more by adding a batch script to fix things up.
Talking about the Actions tab, it is actually quite possible to run PowerShell script or Batch file to regulate the broken connection.

Someone came up a solution to recover network disconnection since Windows 8 released, so it's not a new problem after all. I don't use Windows 8 myself so didn't realize this problem at all.

Possible batch script with DOS commands would be like this: 

C:\>netsh interface set interface name="Wi-Fi" admin=disabled
C:\>netsh interface set interface name="Wi-Fi" admin=enabled
C:\>ipconfig /release
C:\>ipconfig /renew
C:\>arp -d *
C:\>nbtstat -R
C:\>nbtstat -RR
C:\>ipconfig /flushdns
C:\>ipconfig /registerdns
Change the actual interface name to suit your needs. It can be "Wi-Fi" or "Wired" or something else in particular. Take a look at your network adapter settings and see what needs to be changed.

Be it "fixmywifi.bat" or "givemebackmynetwork.bat". Just include the script file into Actions tab and hopefully it will run and try to recover the network connection at the background whenever a system event of disconnection is fired.

Embedded image in email via PHP Mail_mime

Ever try the best way to include your favourite logo image in the email message in the hope that your recipients will actually see it?

It was quite confusing why the image would show up on one email client but not the others. One challenge would be how to display an image correctly in the message for MS Outlook client.

After a reading on this blog, there are basically at least three ways to do so. Of course, we will need to find a balance between the compatibility among various types of email clients and the overall size of email message to be sent.

CID embedded image (a.k.a. inline image) is the old-school way to include images or graphics in HTML formatted message. It might increase the size of each email you send out. But, it is by-far the most compatible way to have the image displayed by desktop email clients and web mail services.  Unfortunately, the trade-off would be the inconsistent behaviour expressed by the email clients and sometimes it turns out to be ugly.

Example as below: